Re: [ Creed Discuss ] The Word Is Out

From: "Joe Earles" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Sat
18 Jan 2003 17:55:14 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Megan
To: The New Improved Less Lame List
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] The Word Is Out

If I didn't want to know what you liked about the books, then I wouldn't ask, now would I? 

I don't know, would you? Why the sudden interest in my personal likes/dislikes? Quite honestly I find the notion of you having any interest in me whatsoever to be downright creepy. I'm much more comfortable with the notion of you loathing me and leaving me alone.

Why are you such a negative, defensive, and just plain MEAN person? 

Were you looking in a mirror when you wrote that?

If I didn't read about you having a kid before, I would have assumed you were a cocky 14-year-old from the language you use

You mean English?

and how you treat people when you think someone's "out to get you". 

If I thought you were "out to get me" beleive me I would and COULD be unbelievably intimidating. Ask Michelle Choquette. Oh wait. You CAN'T. She's no longer subscribed to this list. Why? Because she crossed a line with me and I made sure this place was very unfriendly for her. Would you like a demonstration for yourelf? Do take some time and think about yuor answer, I implore you.

I was asking why you liked the damn books because I have never read through one,

So go read one and STFU about it... sheesh....

but noticed that they are very popular with different age groups.  And yes I was amused that you read them, because they are written for children.  (I watched an interview with the author to find that out.) 

That's funny because "the author" (who has a name, by the way) has always maintained that she writes Harry Potter for herself and the fact that other people even appreciate the stories is more of a fortunate happenstance.  I'm sure you couldn't pull a source for what you "heard" out of your ass with a pair of pliers and a can of WD-40, could you?

Oh, and some advice: you cannot write a sophisticated email, which is how it looked to begin with, and then use the word "bitchy".  It really doesn't fit.

You thought that e-mail was "sophisticated"? You really don't get out much, do you?


 Joe earles <> wrote:

Well, you seemed to find it rather amusing so out with it... what amuses you so?  I don't think you particularly care why I like the books so why not dispense with that and this feigned newfound interest in my personal likes and dislikes and get to the heart of what's going on inside that bitchy little head of yours, shall we?
----- Original Message -----
From: Megan
To: The New Improved Less Lame List
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] The Word Is Out

"Do [I] have a problem with that?"  Not necessarily.  Why do you like Harry Potter?


 Joe earles <> wrote:

I forgot to killfile you when I switched desks at work so these little bits of tripe made it through.
To answer your question: I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I'm currently re-reading the series for the third time. I've read certain volumes as many as five times.  
Now a question for you: Have you got some sort of problem with that?
Maybe I'll let you out of my killfile for a while...flaying you alive in a battle of wits might be downright entertaining.
----- Original Message -----
From: Megan
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] The Word Is Out

You post on a Harry Potter message board, Joe?  *muffled laugh*


 Joe earles <> wrote:

Wanna see late posting? Check out the harry potter newsgroup/message boards
now that the release date for book 5 is official. Everyone is posting and
eveyone thinks they're the first to know or tell anyone.

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